Using this trick, Windows will have the beautiful 3D effect from Linux Compiz Fusion.
Here are the tools :
* Seamles RDP (Windows) for connecting Windows to Linux
* Rdesktop (Linux) for connecting Linux to Windows
* VMware (Linux) for installing Windows in Linux
* Samba (Linux) for sharing files between Linux-Windows
* Compiz Fusion (Linux) for bringing 3D effect to Windows
And here is the screenshot :

Menu Start Windows (above) and menu Start Linux (below).
Linux last submenu displayed with efek Wobly.

Control Panel, My Computer and Internet Explorer in 3D Cube

Control Panel, Start Menu, My Computer, My Pictures and Internet Explorer in plugin Expo.

Internet Explorer and Control Panel in Shift Switcher

File Manager Konqueror (Linux) and Windows Explorer in one desktop. Konqueror displaying Windows files and Linux files through Samba sharing. Windows Explorer displaying Root folder from Linux.

Copy Paste between Windows (Wordpad) and Linux (Kwrite)