Sunday, August 10, 2008

Block porn site or adult site using OpenDNS

Blocking unwanted sites using hosts file is very very easy to do. Now, we will try to block adult sites, porn sites and any other unwanted sites using OpenDNS. You don't need to download and install any software, just set your Internet DNS to OpenDNS, and you can start blocking any unwanted sites.

1. Open your browser and go to
2. Click link "Create a free account" on the top right corner.
3. Fill in the form, open your email and confirm your account.
4. Login to OpenDNS with your accont.
5. Click Setting icon.
6. Choose your filtering level and click customize.
7. Set the category sites you want to block then click Apply.
8. Now go to your DNS setting and set to and

Have fun ...!

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