Second Life, established in 2002 by San Francisco based software company Linden Lab, is an alternative online game currently hyped by the media. It is based on fully customizable avatars evolving in a virtual 3D space and and incorporates a variety social networking tools. Joining is easy: You can sign up Second Life for free.
Users, called residents, create an alter ego and enter the scene as mere standard creatures. They then get to alter their avatar according to their wishes and preferences. In order to do so, Second Life residents pay any changes to their avatar or their environment with money - called Linden Dollars.
Unlike in the real world, everything in Second Life can be created and altered according to your wishes. Be it your body or looks, real estate or clothing – sky is the limit. Second Life residents can use their avatars to wander around in the virtual landscape or may even be teleported to various Spots using a specific SLurl, a Second Life specific address.
They meet many new people and interact on various levels. Communication is a central element. Thus among the SL features you will find chat and messaging tools. Even private encounters – and (pseudo) sexual activities are possible. Everything can happen without the restrictions of the real life. Second Life is the perfect metaverse.

Linden Lab also created Teen Second Life targeted at adolescents from 13 to 17 as a response to many underage registrations. According to official Second Life statistics, about 3,5 million accounts have already been created with about 10% being weekly users.
Just like Ebay, Second Life seems to become a money generator for many of its members. More than 20,000 people actually earn more money than they spent inside the game: They create and sell items, clothes, houses – virtually everything you can imagine. It thus gives a certain twist to the entire game. Especially, because registration is completely free of charge.